Peer Baierlein
first became a classical trumpet teacher before beginning his studies with Prof. Malte Burba as an orchestra musician at the Musikhochschule Köln and with Arno Lange at the ‘Deutsche Oper’ in Berlin. In 1996, he moved to Leuven in Belgium to study with jazz-trumpet player Bert Joris at the Lemmensinstituut. Upon completion of his studies, he moved for a year to New York City in 2000, to take lessons form John McNeil. He then came back to Belgium, where he finished his studies for jazz trumpet and specialised as ‘lead-trumpet player’, also at the Lemmensinstituut. Between 2005 and 2007, Peer Baierlein has been studying classical composition with Piet Swerts. He continued his studies and followed a special education for composing film music and classical orchestration with a.o. Denis Pousseur, Victor Kissine and Jean-Luc Fafchamps. From 2011 – 2013 he was a student for ‘new media’ at the ‘Hochschule für Musik und Theater’ in Hamburg.
Since 2007 he has been working as a composer, musical director and musician for numerous theaters in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
Since 2016, Peer Baierlein has been composing for classical orchestra, vocal and instrumental ensembles.
The first commissioned works for the ‘Hessische Staatsballett’ under the direction of Tim Plegge and the ‘Mecklenburgisches Staatsballett’ (“Ballet X Schwerin”) under the direction of Xenia Wiest followed in 2023.
For 2024/25 he received a scholarship of the ‘Roger Willemsen’ foundation.

Ull Möck
Pianist Ull Möck was born in Stuttgart and started playing classical piano at the age of 10.
He became a professional teacher when he was 17.
Ull studied classical piano between 1981 and 1985 at ‘Musikhochschule’ in Heidelberg / Mannheim.
Meanwhile he is not only known as a piano player, but also as an arranger, composer and bandleader ( Ull Moeck Trio, Trio Arsis, Labyrinth). He worked several years as a répétiteur at the Opera house in Stuttgart.
He played with Ack van Rooyen, Herbert Joos, Bill Molenhof, Ute Lemper, Energy Band, Thomas Stabenow, Bernd Konrad, Jim Snidero, Klaus Graf and many other well known national and international jazz musicians.

Simon Schallwig
discovered his fascination for deep sounds and melodies as a small child. His passion for music led him on the path to study. He expanded his musical knowledge at the music college in Mannheim. His studies were a strong phase in which he dealt with jazz, pop, classical and modern music styles. He followed his passion for the stage and is performing with various bands in clubs and festivals ever since. The energy of live performance and the connection with the audience are very special to him and give his music a unique meaning. Since 2023 he is part of the South Quartet where he influences the band’s sound with his playing-style and compositions.

Matthias Daneck
Drummer Matthias Daneck studied classical music at the Conservatory of Bern (Switzerland) and jazz music at the Swiss Jazz School in Bern with Billy Brooks where he graduated in 1990. He furthermore studied in New York with Kenny Washington, Victor Lewis, John Riley, Joe Morello. Besides being bandleader and composer with Matthias Daneck’s N.O.W. and “the instant loop generation” he plays in the Anne Czichowsky Quintett, Herbert Kramis Guadalcacin Septet, Ragna Schirmer’s Handel Project, the Böhm-Huber-Daneck-Trio. He worked with jazzgreats like Randy Brecker, Jerry Gonzales, Jimmy Woode or Bireli Lagrene and can be heard on more than 60 Jazz-CDs. He toured in many countries such as Africa (Tanzania and Madagascar), Finland (Jazzfestival Espoo), Ukraine (Jazzkarneval Odessa with Matthias Daneck’s N.O.W.), Croatia and Slovenia.

(c) South Quartet 2025